Ford Focus MPG In Simple Graphs

Average Ford Focus MPG by Years

Quick Notes on Ford Focus MPG

    • average 2019 Ford Focus MPG: 47 MPG / 5.4 L per 100 km
    • worst 2019 Ford Focus MPG: 22 MPG / 10.8 L per 100 km
    • best 2019 Ford Focus MPG: 69 MPG / 3.4 L per 100 km
    • body weight: 1473 kg / 3248 lbs
    • body type: hatchback
    • difference highway / city: 28%
    • average engine power: 124 kW / 169 hp
    • difference from world average: 47% better
    • max distance with full tank: 897 miles (1444 km)
    • Fuelson rating: 10 / 10

2019 Ford Focus MPG (Miles per Gallon)

2019 Ford Focus MPG is between 22 MPG and 69 MPG depending on engine:

  • 1.0 EcoBoost — 40 to 56 MPG
  • 1.5 EcoBoost — 31 to 48 MPG
  • 1.5 EcoBlue — 59 to 69 MPG
  • 2.0 EcoBlue — 44 to 60 MPG
  • ST 2.3 EcoBoost — 22 to 38 MPG
  • ST 2.0 EcoBlue — 40 to 56 MPG

    2019 Ford Focus MPG to weight ratio

    The 2019 Ford Focus MPG to weight ratio is shown in the graph:

  • 1.0 EcoBoost — 25 kg/mpg
  • 1.5 EcoBoost — 33 kg/mpg
  • 1.5 EcoBlue — 20 kg/mpg
  • 2.0 EcoBlue — 27 kg/mpg
  • ST 2.3 EcoBoost — 48 kg/mpg
  • ST 2.0 EcoBlue — 30 kg/mpg

    2019 Ford Focus MPG: difference from world average

    We calculated that 2019 Ford Focus MPG is up to 103% better than the world average consumption.

  • 1.0 EcoBoost is 53% more economical than average car
  • 1.5 EcoBoost is 25% more economical than average car
  • 1.5 EcoBlue is 103% more economical than average car
  • 2.0 EcoBlue is 66% more economical than average car
  • ST 2.3 EcoBoost is 6% less economical than average car
  • ST 2.0 EcoBlue is 53% more economical than average car

  • Additional Details On 2019 Ford Focus IV Hatchback MPG

    Vehicle Consumption (city / highway) Consumption to weight ratio Difference from world average consumption Driving range (full tank) Consumption per passenger
    1.0 EcoBoost 40 / 56 MPG
    (5.9 / 4.2 L per 100 km)
    2.6 L per 100 km to 100 kg 53% better 559—746 miles
    (900—1200 km)
    1 L per 100 km / person
    1.5 EcoBoost 31 / 48 MPG
    (7.6 / 4.9 L per 100 km)
    2.3 L per 100 km to 100 kg 25% better 435—684 miles
    (700—1100 km)
    1.2 L per 100 km / person
    1.5 EcoBlue 59 / 69 MPG
    (4 / 3.4 L per 100 km)
    3.6 L per 100 km to 100 kg 103% better 746—870 miles
    (1200—1400 km)
    0.7 L per 100 km / person
    2.0 EcoBlue 44 / 60 MPG
    (5.3 / 3.9 L per 100 km)
    3.3 L per 100 km to 100 kg 66% better 559—746 miles
    (900—1200 km)
    0.9 L per 100 km / person
    ST 2.3 EcoBoost 22 / 38 MPG
    (10.8 / 6.2 L per 100 km)
    1.8 L per 100 km to 100 kg 6% worse 311—497 miles
    (500—800 km)
    1.6 L per 100 km / person
    ST 2.0 EcoBlue 40 / 56 MPG
    (5.9 / 4.2 L per 100 km)
    3.1 L per 100 km to 100 kg 53% better 497—684 miles
    (800—1100 km)
    1 L per 100 km / person

    Additional Details On 2019 Ford Focus IV Hatchback MPG

    Vehicle 1.0 EcoBoost
    Consumption (city / highway) 40 / 56 MPG
    (5.9 / 4.2 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 2.6 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 53% better
    Driving range (full tank) 559—746 miles (900—1200 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.5 EcoBoost
    Consumption (city / highway) 31 / 48 MPG
    (7.6 / 4.9 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 2.3 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 25% better
    Driving range (full tank) 435—684 miles (700—1100 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.2 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.5 EcoBlue
    Consumption (city / highway) 59 / 69 MPG
    (4 / 3.4 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 3.6 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 103% better
    Driving range (full tank) 746—870 miles (1200—1400 km)
    Consumption per passenger 0.7 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 2.0 EcoBlue
    Consumption (city / highway) 44 / 60 MPG
    (5.3 / 3.9 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 3.3 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 66% better
    Driving range (full tank) 559—746 miles (900—1200 km)
    Consumption per passenger 0.9 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle ST 2.3 EcoBoost
    Consumption (city / highway) 22 / 38 MPG
    (10.8 / 6.2 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 1.8 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 6% worse
    Driving range (full tank) 311—497 miles (500—800 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.6 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle ST 2.0 EcoBlue
    Consumption (city / highway) 40 / 56 MPG
    (5.9 / 4.2 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 3.1 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 53% better
    Driving range (full tank) 497—684 miles (800—1100 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1 L per 100 km / person

    Quick Notes on Ford Focus MPG

      • average 2019 Ford Focus MPG: 51 MPG / 4.8 L per 100 km
      • worst 2019 Ford Focus MPG: 31 MPG / 7.5 L per 100 km
      • best 2019 Ford Focus MPG: 71 MPG / 3.3 L per 100 km
      • body weight: 1247 kg / 2750 lbs
      • body type: crossover
      • difference highway / city: 28%
      • average engine power: 106 kW / 144 hp
      • difference from world average: 60% better
      • max distance with full tank: 923 miles (1486 km)
      • Fuelson rating: 10 / 10

    2019 Ford Focus MPG (Miles per Gallon)

    2019 Ford Focus MPG is between 31 MPG and 71 MPG depending on engine:

  • 2.0 EcoBlue — 42 to 65 MPG
  • 1.5 EcoBlue — 60 to 71 MPG
  • 1.5 EcoBoost — 31 to 48 MPG
  • 1.0 EcoBoost — 40 to 57 MPG

    2019 Ford Focus MPG to weight ratio

    The 2019 Ford Focus MPG to weight ratio is shown in the graph:

  • 2.0 EcoBlue — 27 kg/mpg
  • 1.5 EcoBlue — 19 kg/mpg
  • 1.5 EcoBoost — 33 kg/mpg
  • 1.0 EcoBoost — 25 kg/mpg

    2019 Ford Focus MPG: difference from world average

    We calculated that 2019 Ford Focus MPG is up to 110% better than the world average consumption.

  • 2.0 EcoBlue is 66% more economical than average car
  • 1.5 EcoBlue is 110% more economical than average car
  • 1.5 EcoBoost is 25% more economical than average car
  • 1.0 EcoBoost is 53% more economical than average car

  • Additional Details On 2019 Ford Focus IV Active Hatchback MPG

    Vehicle Consumption (city / highway) Consumption to weight ratio Difference from world average consumption Driving range (full tank) Consumption per passenger
    2.0 EcoBlue 42 / 65 MPG
    (5.6 / 3.6 L per 100 km)
    3.2 L per 100 km to 100 kg 66% better 497—808 miles
    (800—1300 km)
    0.9 L per 100 km / person
    1.5 EcoBlue 60 / 71 MPG
    (3.9 / 3.3 L per 100 km)
    3.7 L per 100 km to 100 kg 110% better 746—870 miles
    (1200—1400 km)
    0.7 L per 100 km / person
    1.5 EcoBoost 31 / 48 MPG
    (7.5 / 4.9 L per 100 km)
    2.3 L per 100 km to 100 kg 25% better 435—684 miles
    (700—1100 km)
    1.2 L per 100 km / person
    1.0 EcoBoost 40 / 57 MPG
    (5.9 / 4.1 L per 100 km)
    2.6 L per 100 km to 100 kg 53% better 559—808 miles
    (900—1300 km)
    1 L per 100 km / person

    Additional Details On 2019 Ford Focus IV Active Hatchback MPG

    Vehicle 2.0 EcoBlue
    Consumption (city / highway) 42 / 65 MPG
    (5.6 / 3.6 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 3.2 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 66% better
    Driving range (full tank) 497—808 miles (800—1300 km)
    Consumption per passenger 0.9 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.5 EcoBlue
    Consumption (city / highway) 60 / 71 MPG
    (3.9 / 3.3 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 3.7 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 110% better
    Driving range (full tank) 746—870 miles (1200—1400 km)
    Consumption per passenger 0.7 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.5 EcoBoost
    Consumption (city / highway) 31 / 48 MPG
    (7.5 / 4.9 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 2.3 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 25% better
    Driving range (full tank) 435—684 miles (700—1100 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.2 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.0 EcoBoost
    Consumption (city / highway) 40 / 57 MPG
    (5.9 / 4.1 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 2.6 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 53% better
    Driving range (full tank) 559—808 miles (900—1300 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1 L per 100 km / person

    Quick Notes on Ford Focus MPG

      • average 2019 Ford Focus MPG: 50 MPG / 4.8 L per 100 km
      • worst 2019 Ford Focus MPG: 31 MPG / 7.5 L per 100 km
      • best 2019 Ford Focus MPG: 67 MPG / 3.5 L per 100 km
      • body weight: 1308 kg / 2884 lbs
      • body type: crossover
      • difference highway / city: 26%
      • average engine power: 106 kW / 144 hp
      • difference from world average: 56% better
      • max distance with full tank: 873 miles (1405 km)
      • Fuelson rating: 10 / 10

    2019 Ford Focus MPG (Miles per Gallon)

    2019 Ford Focus MPG is between 31 MPG and 67 MPG depending on engine:

  • 2.0 EcoBlue — 44 to 60 MPG
  • 1.5 EcoBlue — 57 to 67 MPG
  • 1.5 EcoBoost — 31 to 48 MPG
  • 1.0 EcoBoost — 40 to 57 MPG

    2019 Ford Focus MPG to weight ratio

    The 2019 Ford Focus MPG to weight ratio is shown in the graph:

  • 2.0 EcoBlue — 28 kg/mpg
  • 1.5 EcoBlue — 21 kg/mpg
  • 1.5 EcoBoost — 34 kg/mpg
  • 1.0 EcoBoost — 27 kg/mpg

    2019 Ford Focus MPG: difference from world average

    We calculated that 2019 Ford Focus MPG is up to 100% better than the world average consumption.

  • 2.0 EcoBlue is 66% more economical than average car
  • 1.5 EcoBlue is 100% more economical than average car
  • 1.5 EcoBoost is 25% more economical than average car
  • 1.0 EcoBoost is 53% more economical than average car

  • Additional Details On 2019 Ford Focus IV Active Wagon MPG

    Vehicle Consumption (city / highway) Consumption to weight ratio Difference from world average consumption Driving range (full tank) Consumption per passenger
    2.0 EcoBlue 44 / 60 MPG
    (5.3 / 3.9 L per 100 km)
    3.4 L per 100 km to 100 kg 66% better 559—746 miles
    (900—1200 km)
    0.9 L per 100 km / person
    1.5 EcoBlue 57 / 67 MPG
    (4.1 / 3.5 L per 100 km)
    3.6 L per 100 km to 100 kg 100% better 684—808 miles
    (1100—1300 km)
    0.7 L per 100 km / person
    1.5 EcoBoost 31 / 48 MPG
    (7.5 / 4.9 L per 100 km)
    2.3 L per 100 km to 100 kg 25% better 435—684 miles
    (700—1100 km)
    1.2 L per 100 km / person
    1.0 EcoBoost 40 / 57 MPG
    (5.9 / 4.1 L per 100 km)
    2.7 L per 100 km to 100 kg 53% better 559—808 miles
    (900—1300 km)
    1 L per 100 km / person

    Additional Details On 2019 Ford Focus IV Active Wagon MPG

    Vehicle 2.0 EcoBlue
    Consumption (city / highway) 44 / 60 MPG
    (5.3 / 3.9 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 3.4 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 66% better
    Driving range (full tank) 559—746 miles (900—1200 km)
    Consumption per passenger 0.9 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.5 EcoBlue
    Consumption (city / highway) 57 / 67 MPG
    (4.1 / 3.5 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 3.6 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 100% better
    Driving range (full tank) 684—808 miles (1100—1300 km)
    Consumption per passenger 0.7 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.5 EcoBoost
    Consumption (city / highway) 31 / 48 MPG
    (7.5 / 4.9 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 2.3 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 25% better
    Driving range (full tank) 435—684 miles (700—1100 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.2 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.0 EcoBoost
    Consumption (city / highway) 40 / 57 MPG
    (5.9 / 4.1 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 2.7 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 53% better
    Driving range (full tank) 559—808 miles (900—1300 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1 L per 100 km / person

    Quick Notes on Ford Focus MPG

      • average 2019 Ford Focus MPG: 47 MPG / 5.7 L per 100 km
      • worst 2019 Ford Focus MPG: 22 MPG / 10.8 L per 100 km
      • best 2019 Ford Focus MPG: 60 MPG / 3.9 L per 100 km
      • body weight: 1510 kg / 3330 lbs
      • body type: station wagon (estate)
      • difference highway / city: 29%
      • average engine power: 128 kW / 175 hp
      • difference from world average: 47% better
      • max distance with full tank: 734 miles (1182 km)
      • Fuelson rating: 10 / 10

    2019 Ford Focus MPG (Miles per Gallon)

    2019 Ford Focus MPG is between 22 MPG and 60 MPG depending on engine:

  • 1.0 EcoBoost — 32 to 48 MPG
  • 1.5 EcoBoost — 33 to 50 MPG
  • 2.0 EcoBlue — 44 to 60 MPG
  • 1.5 EcoBlue — 47 to 56 MPG
  • ST 2.3 EcoBoost — 22 to 38 MPG
  • ST 2.0 EcoBlue — 40 to 56 MPG

    2019 Ford Focus MPG to weight ratio

    The 2019 Ford Focus MPG to weight ratio is shown in the graph:

  • 1.0 EcoBoost — 33 kg/mpg
  • 1.5 EcoBoost — 32 kg/mpg
  • 2.0 EcoBlue — 28 kg/mpg
  • 1.5 EcoBlue — 27 kg/mpg
  • ST 2.3 EcoBoost — 49 kg/mpg
  • ST 2.0 EcoBlue — 31 kg/mpg

    2019 Ford Focus MPG: difference from world average

    We calculated that 2019 Ford Focus MPG is up to 66% better than the world average consumption.

  • 1.0 EcoBoost is 28% more economical than average car
  • 1.5 EcoBoost is 31% more economical than average car
  • 2.0 EcoBlue is 66% more economical than average car
  • 1.5 EcoBlue is 63% more economical than average car
  • ST 2.3 EcoBoost is 6% less economical than average car
  • ST 2.0 EcoBlue is 53% more economical than average car

  • Additional Details On 2019 Ford Focus IV Wagon MPG

    Vehicle Consumption (city / highway) Consumption to weight ratio Difference from world average consumption Driving range (full tank) Consumption per passenger
    1.0 EcoBoost 32 / 48 MPG
    (7.3 / 4.9 L per 100 km)
    2.3 L per 100 km to 100 kg 28% better 435—684 miles
    (700—1100 km)
    1.2 L per 100 km / person
    1.5 EcoBoost 33 / 50 MPG
    (7.1 / 4.7 L per 100 km)
    2.4 L per 100 km to 100 kg 31% better 435—684 miles
    (700—1100 km)
    1.1 L per 100 km / person
    2.0 EcoBlue 44 / 60 MPG
    (5.3 / 3.9 L per 100 km)
    3.4 L per 100 km to 100 kg 66% better 559—746 miles
    (900—1200 km)
    0.9 L per 100 km / person
    1.5 EcoBlue 47 / 56 MPG
    (5 / 4.2 L per 100 km)
    3.1 L per 100 km to 100 kg 63% better 559—684 miles
    (900—1100 km)
    0.9 L per 100 km / person
    ST 2.3 EcoBoost 22 / 38 MPG
    (10.8 / 6.2 L per 100 km)
    1.9 L per 100 km to 100 kg 6% worse 311—497 miles
    (500—800 km)
    1.6 L per 100 km / person
    ST 2.0 EcoBlue 40 / 56 MPG
    (5.9 / 4.2 L per 100 km)
    3.1 L per 100 km to 100 kg 53% better 497—684 miles
    (800—1100 km)
    1 L per 100 km / person

    Additional Details On 2019 Ford Focus IV Wagon MPG

    Vehicle 1.0 EcoBoost
    Consumption (city / highway) 32 / 48 MPG
    (7.3 / 4.9 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 2.3 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 28% better
    Driving range (full tank) 435—684 miles (700—1100 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.2 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.5 EcoBoost
    Consumption (city / highway) 33 / 50 MPG
    (7.1 / 4.7 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 2.4 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 31% better
    Driving range (full tank) 435—684 miles (700—1100 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.1 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 2.0 EcoBlue
    Consumption (city / highway) 44 / 60 MPG
    (5.3 / 3.9 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 3.4 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 66% better
    Driving range (full tank) 559—746 miles (900—1200 km)
    Consumption per passenger 0.9 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.5 EcoBlue
    Consumption (city / highway) 47 / 56 MPG
    (5 / 4.2 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 3.1 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 63% better
    Driving range (full tank) 559—684 miles (900—1100 km)
    Consumption per passenger 0.9 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle ST 2.3 EcoBoost
    Consumption (city / highway) 22 / 38 MPG
    (10.8 / 6.2 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 1.9 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 6% worse
    Driving range (full tank) 311—497 miles (500—800 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.6 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle ST 2.0 EcoBlue
    Consumption (city / highway) 40 / 56 MPG
    (5.9 / 4.2 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 3.1 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 53% better
    Driving range (full tank) 497—684 miles (800—1100 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1 L per 100 km / person

    Quick Notes on Ford Focus MPG

      • average 2014 Ford Focus MPG: 47 MPG / 5.5 L per 100 km
      • worst 2014 Ford Focus MPG: 24 MPG / 10 L per 100 km
      • best 2014 Ford Focus MPG: 69 MPG / 3.4 L per 100 km
      • body weight: 1464 kg / 3228 lbs
      • body type: hatchback
      • difference highway / city: 33%
      • average engine power: 128 kW / 174 hp
      • difference from world average: 47% better
      • max distance with full tank: 1014 miles (1632 km)
      • Fuelson rating: 10 / 10

    2014 Ford Focus MPG (Miles per Gallon)

    2014 Ford Focus MPG is between 24 MPG and 69 MPG depending on engine:

  • RS 2.3 EcoBoost — 24 to 37 MPG
  • 1.0 EcoBoost — 41 to 57 MPG
  • 1.5 EcoBoost — 34 to 51 MPG
  • 1.5 TDCi — 55 to 69 MPG
  • 1.6 Ti-VCT — 28 to 51 MPG
  • 1.6 TDCi — 41 to 64 MPG
  • 2.0 TDCi — 39 to 59 MPG
  • ST 2.0 EcoBoost — 27 to 41 MPG
  • ST 2.0 TDCi — 46 to 67 MPG

    2014 Ford Focus MPG to weight ratio

    The 2014 Ford Focus MPG to weight ratio is shown in the graph:

  • RS 2.3 EcoBoost — 49 kg/mpg
  • 1.0 EcoBoost — 27 kg/mpg
  • 1.5 EcoBoost — 31 kg/mpg
  • 1.5 TDCi — 22 kg/mpg
  • 1.6 Ti-VCT — 32 kg/mpg
  • 1.6 TDCi — 26 kg/mpg
  • 2.0 TDCi — 30 kg/mpg
  • ST 2.0 EcoBoost — 41 kg/mpg
  • ST 2.0 TDCi — 28 kg/mpg

    2014 Ford Focus MPG: difference from world average

    We calculated that 2014 Ford Focus MPG is up to 93% better than the world average consumption.

  • RS 2.3 EcoBoost is 3% less economical than average car
  • 1.0 EcoBoost is 56% more economical than average car
  • 1.5 EcoBoost is 34% more economical than average car
  • 1.5 TDCi is 93% more economical than average car
  • 1.6 Ti-VCT is 25% more economical than average car
  • 1.6 TDCi is 63% more economical than average car
  • 2.0 TDCi is 53% more economical than average car
  • ST 2.0 EcoBoost is 9% more economical than average car
  • ST 2.0 TDCi is 66% more economical than average car

  • Additional Details On 2014 Ford Focus III Hatchback (facelift 2014) MPG

    Vehicle Consumption (city / highway) Consumption to weight ratio Difference from world average consumption Driving range (full tank) Consumption per passenger
    RS 2.3 EcoBoost 24 / 37 MPG
    (10 / 6.3 L per 100 km)
    2 L per 100 km to 100 kg 3% worse 311—497 miles
    (500—800 km)
    1.5 L per 100 km / person
    1.0 EcoBoost 41 / 57 MPG
    (5.7 / 4.1 L per 100 km)
    2.8 L per 100 km to 100 kg 56% better 621—808 miles
    (1000—1300 km)
    0.9 L per 100 km / person
    1.5 EcoBoost 34 / 51 MPG
    (7 / 4.6 L per 100 km)
    2.4 L per 100 km to 100 kg 34% better 497—746 miles
    (800—1200 km)
    1.1 L per 100 km / person
    1.5 TDCi 55 / 69 MPG
    (4.3 / 3.4 L per 100 km)
    3.5 L per 100 km to 100 kg 93% better 746—994 miles
    (1200—1600 km)
    0.8 L per 100 km / person
    1.6 Ti-VCT 28 / 51 MPG
    (8.3 / 4.6 L per 100 km)
    2.1 L per 100 km to 100 kg 25% better 435—746 miles
    (700—1200 km)
    1.2 L per 100 km / person
    1.6 TDCi 41 / 64 MPG
    (5.7 / 3.7 L per 100 km)
    3 L per 100 km to 100 kg 63% better 559—870 miles
    (900—1400 km)
    0.9 L per 100 km / person
    2.0 TDCi 39 / 59 MPG
    (6.1 / 4 L per 100 km)
    3 L per 100 km to 100 kg 53% better 621—932 miles
    (1000—1500 km)
    1 L per 100 km / person
    ST 2.0 EcoBoost 27 / 41 MPG
    (8.8 / 5.7 L per 100 km)
    2.1 L per 100 km to 100 kg 9% better 435—684 miles
    (700—1100 km)
    1.4 L per 100 km / person
    ST 2.0 TDCi 46 / 67 MPG
    (5.1 / 3.5 L per 100 km)
    3.3 L per 100 km to 100 kg 66% better 746—1056 miles
    (1200—1700 km)
    0.9 L per 100 km / person

    Additional Details On 2014 Ford Focus III Hatchback (facelift 2014) MPG

    Vehicle RS 2.3 EcoBoost
    Consumption (city / highway) 24 / 37 MPG
    (10 / 6.3 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 2 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 3% worse
    Driving range (full tank) 311—497 miles (500—800 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.5 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.0 EcoBoost
    Consumption (city / highway) 41 / 57 MPG
    (5.7 / 4.1 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 2.8 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 56% better
    Driving range (full tank) 621—808 miles (1000—1300 km)
    Consumption per passenger 0.9 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.5 EcoBoost
    Consumption (city / highway) 34 / 51 MPG
    (7 / 4.6 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 2.4 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 34% better
    Driving range (full tank) 497—746 miles (800—1200 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.1 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.5 TDCi
    Consumption (city / highway) 55 / 69 MPG
    (4.3 / 3.4 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 3.5 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 93% better
    Driving range (full tank) 746—994 miles (1200—1600 km)
    Consumption per passenger 0.8 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.6 Ti-VCT
    Consumption (city / highway) 28 / 51 MPG
    (8.3 / 4.6 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 2.1 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 25% better
    Driving range (full tank) 435—746 miles (700—1200 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.2 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.6 TDCi
    Consumption (city / highway) 41 / 64 MPG
    (5.7 / 3.7 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 3 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 63% better
    Driving range (full tank) 559—870 miles (900—1400 km)
    Consumption per passenger 0.9 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 2.0 TDCi
    Consumption (city / highway) 39 / 59 MPG
    (6.1 / 4 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 3 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 53% better
    Driving range (full tank) 621—932 miles (1000—1500 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle ST 2.0 EcoBoost
    Consumption (city / highway) 27 / 41 MPG
    (8.8 / 5.7 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 2.1 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 9% better
    Driving range (full tank) 435—684 miles (700—1100 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.4 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle ST 2.0 TDCi
    Consumption (city / highway) 46 / 67 MPG
    (5.1 / 3.5 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 3.3 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 66% better
    Driving range (full tank) 746—1056 miles (1200—1700 km)
    Consumption per passenger 0.9 L per 100 km / person

    Quick Notes on Ford Focus MPG

      • average 2014 Ford Focus MPG: 48 MPG / 5.1 L per 100 km
      • worst 2014 Ford Focus MPG: 27 MPG / 8.7 L per 100 km
      • best 2014 Ford Focus MPG: 69 MPG / 3.4 L per 100 km
      • body weight: 1462 kg / 3224 lbs
      • body type: sedan
      • difference highway / city: 31%
      • average engine power: 100 kW / 136 hp
      • difference from world average: 50% better
      • max distance with full tank: 981 miles (1579 km)
      • Fuelson rating: 10 / 10

    2014 Ford Focus MPG (Miles per Gallon)

    2014 Ford Focus MPG is between 27 MPG and 69 MPG depending on engine:

  • 1.0 EcoBoost — 41 to 56 MPG
  • 1.5 EcoBoost — 33 to 50 MPG
  • 1.6 Ti-VCT — 27 to 48 MPG
  • 1.5 TDCi — 55 to 69 MPG
  • 1.6 TDCi — 41 to 64 MPG
  • 2.0 TDCi — 39 to 59 MPG

    2014 Ford Focus MPG to weight ratio

    The 2014 Ford Focus MPG to weight ratio is shown in the graph:

  • 1.0 EcoBoost — 27 kg/mpg
  • 1.5 EcoBoost — 32 kg/mpg
  • 1.6 Ti-VCT — 36 kg/mpg
  • 1.5 TDCi — 22 kg/mpg
  • 1.6 TDCi — 26 kg/mpg
  • 2.0 TDCi — 30 kg/mpg

    2014 Ford Focus MPG: difference from world average

    We calculated that 2014 Ford Focus MPG is up to 93% better than the world average consumption.

  • 1.0 EcoBoost is 53% more economical than average car
  • 1.5 EcoBoost is 31% more economical than average car
  • 1.6 Ti-VCT is 16% more economical than average car
  • 1.5 TDCi is 93% more economical than average car
  • 1.6 TDCi is 63% more economical than average car
  • 2.0 TDCi is 53% more economical than average car

  • Additional Details On 2014 Ford Focus III Sedan (facelift 2014) MPG

    Vehicle Consumption (city / highway) Consumption to weight ratio Difference from world average consumption Driving range (full tank) Consumption per passenger
    1.0 EcoBoost 41 / 56 MPG
    (5.8 / 4.2 L per 100 km)
    2.8 L per 100 km to 100 kg 53% better 559—808 miles
    (900—1300 km)
    1 L per 100 km / person
    1.5 EcoBoost 33 / 50 MPG
    (7.1 / 4.7 L per 100 km)
    2.4 L per 100 km to 100 kg 31% better 497—746 miles
    (800—1200 km)
    1.1 L per 100 km / person
    1.6 Ti-VCT 27 / 48 MPG
    (8.7 / 4.9 L per 100 km)
    2.1 L per 100 km to 100 kg 16% better 373—684 miles
    (600—1100 km)
    1.3 L per 100 km / person
    1.5 TDCi 55 / 69 MPG
    (4.3 / 3.4 L per 100 km)
    3.6 L per 100 km to 100 kg 93% better 746—994 miles
    (1200—1600 km)
    0.8 L per 100 km / person
    1.6 TDCi 41 / 64 MPG
    (5.7 / 3.7 L per 100 km)
    3 L per 100 km to 100 kg 63% better 559—870 miles
    (900—1400 km)
    0.9 L per 100 km / person
    2.0 TDCi 39 / 59 MPG
    (6.1 / 4 L per 100 km)
    3 L per 100 km to 100 kg 53% better 621—932 miles
    (1000—1500 km)
    1 L per 100 km / person

    Additional Details On 2014 Ford Focus III Sedan (facelift 2014) MPG

    Vehicle 1.0 EcoBoost
    Consumption (city / highway) 41 / 56 MPG
    (5.8 / 4.2 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 2.8 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 53% better
    Driving range (full tank) 559—808 miles (900—1300 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.5 EcoBoost
    Consumption (city / highway) 33 / 50 MPG
    (7.1 / 4.7 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 2.4 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 31% better
    Driving range (full tank) 497—746 miles (800—1200 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.1 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.6 Ti-VCT
    Consumption (city / highway) 27 / 48 MPG
    (8.7 / 4.9 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 2.1 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 16% better
    Driving range (full tank) 373—684 miles (600—1100 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.3 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.5 TDCi
    Consumption (city / highway) 55 / 69 MPG
    (4.3 / 3.4 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 3.6 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 93% better
    Driving range (full tank) 746—994 miles (1200—1600 km)
    Consumption per passenger 0.8 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.6 TDCi
    Consumption (city / highway) 41 / 64 MPG
    (5.7 / 3.7 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 3 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 63% better
    Driving range (full tank) 559—870 miles (900—1400 km)
    Consumption per passenger 0.9 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 2.0 TDCi
    Consumption (city / highway) 39 / 59 MPG
    (6.1 / 4 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 3 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 53% better
    Driving range (full tank) 621—932 miles (1000—1500 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1 L per 100 km / person

    Quick Notes on Ford Focus MPG

      • average 2014 Ford Focus MPG: 48 MPG / 5.2 L per 100 km
      • worst 2014 Ford Focus MPG: 27 MPG / 8.8 L per 100 km
      • best 2014 Ford Focus MPG: 69 MPG / 3.4 L per 100 km
      • body weight: 1461 kg / 3222 lbs
      • body type: station wagon (estate)
      • difference highway / city: 32%
      • average engine power: 106 kW / 144 hp
      • difference from world average: 50% better
      • max distance with full tank: 1014 miles (1632 km)
      • Fuelson rating: 10 / 10

    2014 Ford Focus MPG (Miles per Gallon)

    2014 Ford Focus MPG is between 27 MPG and 69 MPG depending on engine:

  • 1.0 EcoBoost — 40 to 56 MPG
  • 1.5 EcoBoost — 33 to 50 MPG
  • 1.6 Ti-VCT — 28 to 50 MPG
  • 1.6 TDCi — 41 to 64 MPG
  • 2.0 TDCi — 45 to 59 MPG
  • 1.5 TDCi — 55 to 69 MPG
  • ST 2.0 TDCi — 46 to 67 MPG
  • ST 2.0 EcoBoost — 27 to 41 MPG

    2014 Ford Focus MPG to weight ratio

    The 2014 Ford Focus MPG to weight ratio is shown in the graph:

  • 1.0 EcoBoost — 30 kg/mpg
  • 1.5 EcoBoost — 37 kg/mpg
  • 1.6 Ti-VCT — 38 kg/mpg
  • 1.6 TDCi — 29 kg/mpg
  • 2.0 TDCi — 31 kg/mpg
  • 1.5 TDCi — 25 kg/mpg
  • ST 2.0 TDCi — 28 kg/mpg
  • ST 2.0 EcoBoost — 42 kg/mpg

    2014 Ford Focus MPG: difference from world average

    We calculated that 2014 Ford Focus MPG is up to 93% better than the world average consumption.

  • 1.0 EcoBoost is 53% more economical than average car
  • 1.5 EcoBoost is 31% more economical than average car
  • 1.6 Ti-VCT is 22% more economical than average car
  • 1.6 TDCi is 63% more economical than average car
  • 2.0 TDCi is 66% more economical than average car
  • 1.5 TDCi is 93% more economical than average car
  • ST 2.0 TDCi is 66% more economical than average car
  • ST 2.0 EcoBoost is 9% more economical than average car

  • Additional Details On 2014 Ford Focus III Wagon (facelift 2014) MPG

    Vehicle Consumption (city / highway) Consumption to weight ratio Difference from world average consumption Driving range (full tank) Consumption per passenger
    1.0 EcoBoost 40 / 56 MPG
    (5.9 / 4.2 L per 100 km)
    3.1 L per 100 km to 100 kg 53% better 559—808 miles
    (900—1300 km)
    1 L per 100 km / person
    1.5 EcoBoost 33 / 50 MPG
    (7.1 / 4.7 L per 100 km)
    2.8 L per 100 km to 100 kg 31% better 497—746 miles
    (800—1200 km)
    1.1 L per 100 km / person
    1.6 Ti-VCT 28 / 50 MPG
    (8.4 / 4.7 L per 100 km)
    2.5 L per 100 km to 100 kg 22% better 435—746 miles
    (700—1200 km)
    1.2 L per 100 km / person
    1.6 TDCi 41 / 64 MPG
    (5.7 / 3.7 L per 100 km)
    3.4 L per 100 km to 100 kg 63% better 559—870 miles
    (900—1400 km)
    0.9 L per 100 km / person
    2.0 TDCi 45 / 59 MPG
    (5.2 / 4 L per 100 km)
    3.8 L per 100 km to 100 kg 66% better 746—932 miles
    (1200—1500 km)
    0.9 L per 100 km / person
    1.5 TDCi 55 / 69 MPG
    (4.3 / 3.4 L per 100 km)
    4.1 L per 100 km to 100 kg 93% better 746—994 miles
    (1200—1600 km)
    0.8 L per 100 km / person
    ST 2.0 TDCi 46 / 67 MPG
    (5.1 / 3.5 L per 100 km)
    3.4 L per 100 km to 100 kg 66% better 746—1056 miles
    (1200—1700 km)
    0.9 L per 100 km / person
    ST 2.0 EcoBoost 27 / 41 MPG
    (8.8 / 5.7 L per 100 km)
    2.1 L per 100 km to 100 kg 9% better 435—684 miles
    (700—1100 km)
    1.4 L per 100 km / person

    Additional Details On 2014 Ford Focus III Wagon (facelift 2014) MPG

    Vehicle 1.0 EcoBoost
    Consumption (city / highway) 40 / 56 MPG
    (5.9 / 4.2 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 3.1 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 53% better
    Driving range (full tank) 559—808 miles (900—1300 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.5 EcoBoost
    Consumption (city / highway) 33 / 50 MPG
    (7.1 / 4.7 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 2.8 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 31% better
    Driving range (full tank) 497—746 miles (800—1200 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.1 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.6 Ti-VCT
    Consumption (city / highway) 28 / 50 MPG
    (8.4 / 4.7 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 2.5 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 22% better
    Driving range (full tank) 435—746 miles (700—1200 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.2 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.6 TDCi
    Consumption (city / highway) 41 / 64 MPG
    (5.7 / 3.7 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 3.4 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 63% better
    Driving range (full tank) 559—870 miles (900—1400 km)
    Consumption per passenger 0.9 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 2.0 TDCi
    Consumption (city / highway) 45 / 59 MPG
    (5.2 / 4 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 3.8 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 66% better
    Driving range (full tank) 746—932 miles (1200—1500 km)
    Consumption per passenger 0.9 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.5 TDCi
    Consumption (city / highway) 55 / 69 MPG
    (4.3 / 3.4 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 4.1 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 93% better
    Driving range (full tank) 746—994 miles (1200—1600 km)
    Consumption per passenger 0.8 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle ST 2.0 TDCi
    Consumption (city / highway) 46 / 67 MPG
    (5.1 / 3.5 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 3.4 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 66% better
    Driving range (full tank) 746—1056 miles (1200—1700 km)
    Consumption per passenger 0.9 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle ST 2.0 EcoBoost
    Consumption (city / highway) 27 / 41 MPG
    (8.8 / 5.7 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 2.1 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 9% better
    Driving range (full tank) 435—684 miles (700—1100 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.4 L per 100 km / person

    Quick Notes on Ford Focus MPG

      • average 2013 Ford Focus MPG: 46 MPG / 5.9 L per 100 km
      • worst 2013 Ford Focus MPG: 24 MPG / 9.9 L per 100 km
      • best 2013 Ford Focus MPG: 64 MPG / 3.7 L per 100 km
      • body weight: 1362 kg / 3003 lbs
      • body type: hatchback
      • difference highway / city: 36%
      • average engine power: 118 kW / 160 hp
      • difference from world average: 44% better
      • max distance with full tank: 814 miles (1310 km)
      • Fuelson rating: 10 / 10

    2013 Ford Focus MPG (Miles per Gallon)

    2013 Ford Focus MPG is between 24 MPG and 64 MPG depending on engine:

  • 1.0 EcoBoost — 37 to 56 MPG
  • 1.6 Ti-VCT — 27 to 48 MPG
  • 1.6 EcoBoost — 31 to 48 MPG
  • 1.6 TDCi — 46 to 64 MPG
  • 2.0 TDCi — 36 to 55 MPG
  • ST 2.0 EcoBoost — 24 to 42 MPG

    2013 Ford Focus MPG to weight ratio

    The 2013 Ford Focus MPG to weight ratio is shown in the graph:

  • ST 2.0 EcoBoost — 41 kg/mpg

    2013 Ford Focus MPG: difference from world average

    We calculated that 2013 Ford Focus MPG is up to 75% better than the world average consumption.

  • 1.0 EcoBoost is 47% more economical than average car
  • 1.6 Ti-VCT is 16% more economical than average car
  • 1.6 EcoBoost is 25% more economical than average car
  • 1.6 TDCi is 75% more economical than average car
  • 2.0 TDCi is 41% more economical than average car
  • ST 2.0 EcoBoost is 3% more economical than average car

  • Additional Details On 2013 Ford Focus III Hatchback MPG

    Vehicle Consumption (city / highway) Consumption to weight ratio Difference from world average consumption Driving range (full tank) Consumption per passenger
    1.0 EcoBoost 37 / 56 MPG
    (6.3 / 4.2 L per 100 km)
    - 47% better -
    1 L per 100 km / person
    1.6 Ti-VCT 27 / 48 MPG
    (8.7 / 4.9 L per 100 km)
    - 16% better -
    1.3 L per 100 km / person
    1.6 EcoBoost 31 / 48 MPG
    (7.6 / 4.9 L per 100 km)
    - 25% better -
    1.2 L per 100 km / person
    1.6 TDCi 46 / 64 MPG
    (5.1 / 3.7 L per 100 km)
    - 75% better -
    0.8 L per 100 km / person
    2.0 TDCi 36 / 55 MPG
    (6.6 / 4.3 L per 100 km)
    - 41% better -
    1 L per 100 km / person
    ST 2.0 EcoBoost 24 / 42 MPG
    (9.9 / 5.6 L per 100 km)
    1.9 L per 100 km to 100 kg 3% better 373—621 miles
    (600—1000 km)
    1.4 L per 100 km / person

    Additional Details On 2013 Ford Focus III Hatchback MPG

    Vehicle 1.0 EcoBoost
    Consumption (city / highway) 37 / 56 MPG
    (6.3 / 4.2 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio -
    Difference from world average consumption 47% better
    Driving range (full tank) -
    Consumption per passenger 1 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.6 Ti-VCT
    Consumption (city / highway) 27 / 48 MPG
    (8.7 / 4.9 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio -
    Difference from world average consumption 16% better
    Driving range (full tank) -
    Consumption per passenger 1.3 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.6 EcoBoost
    Consumption (city / highway) 31 / 48 MPG
    (7.6 / 4.9 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio -
    Difference from world average consumption 25% better
    Driving range (full tank) -
    Consumption per passenger 1.2 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.6 TDCi
    Consumption (city / highway) 46 / 64 MPG
    (5.1 / 3.7 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio -
    Difference from world average consumption 75% better
    Driving range (full tank) -
    Consumption per passenger 0.8 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 2.0 TDCi
    Consumption (city / highway) 36 / 55 MPG
    (6.6 / 4.3 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio -
    Difference from world average consumption 41% better
    Driving range (full tank) -
    Consumption per passenger 1 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle ST 2.0 EcoBoost
    Consumption (city / highway) 24 / 42 MPG
    (9.9 / 5.6 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 1.9 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 3% better
    Driving range (full tank) 373—621 miles (600—1000 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.4 L per 100 km / person

    Quick Notes on Ford Focus MPG

      • average 2013 Ford Focus MPG: 47 MPG / 5.6 L per 100 km
      • worst 2013 Ford Focus MPG: 27 MPG / 8.7 L per 100 km
      • best 2013 Ford Focus MPG: 64 MPG / 3.7 L per 100 km
      • body type: sedan
      • difference highway / city: 35%
      • average engine power: 105 kW / 142 hp
      • difference from world average: 47% better
      • max distance with full tank: 759 miles (1222 km)
      • Fuelson rating: 10 / 10

    2013 Ford Focus MPG (Miles per Gallon)

    2013 Ford Focus MPG is between 27 MPG and 64 MPG depending on engine:

  • 1.0 EcoBoost — 37 to 53 MPG
  • 1.6 Ti-VCT — 27 to 48 MPG
  • 1.6 EcoBoost — 31 to 48 MPG
  • 1.6 TDCi — 41 to 64 MPG
  • 2.0 TDCi — 36 to 55 MPG

    2013 Ford Focus MPG: difference from world average

    We calculated that 2013 Ford Focus MPG is up to 63% better than the world average consumption.

  • 1.0 EcoBoost is 44% more economical than average car
  • 1.6 Ti-VCT is 16% more economical than average car
  • 1.6 EcoBoost is 25% more economical than average car
  • 1.6 TDCi is 63% more economical than average car
  • 2.0 TDCi is 41% more economical than average car

  • Additional Details On 2013 Ford Focus III Sedan MPG

    Vehicle Consumption (city / highway) Consumption to weight ratio Difference from world average consumption Driving range (full tank) Consumption per passenger
    1.0 EcoBoost 37 / 53 MPG
    (6.4 / 4.4 L per 100 km)
    - 44% better 559—808 miles
    (900—1300 km)
    1 L per 100 km / person
    1.6 Ti-VCT 27 / 48 MPG
    (8.7 / 4.9 L per 100 km)
    - 16% better -
    1.3 L per 100 km / person
    1.6 EcoBoost 31 / 48 MPG
    (7.6 / 4.9 L per 100 km)
    - 25% better -
    1.2 L per 100 km / person
    1.6 TDCi 41 / 64 MPG
    (5.7 / 3.7 L per 100 km)
    - 63% better 559—870 miles
    (900—1400 km)
    0.9 L per 100 km / person
    2.0 TDCi 36 / 55 MPG
    (6.6 / 4.3 L per 100 km)
    - 41% better -
    1 L per 100 km / person

    Additional Details On 2013 Ford Focus III Sedan MPG

    Vehicle 1.0 EcoBoost
    Consumption (city / highway) 37 / 53 MPG
    (6.4 / 4.4 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio -
    Difference from world average consumption 44% better
    Driving range (full tank) 559—808 miles (900—1300 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.6 Ti-VCT
    Consumption (city / highway) 27 / 48 MPG
    (8.7 / 4.9 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio -
    Difference from world average consumption 16% better
    Driving range (full tank) -
    Consumption per passenger 1.3 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.6 EcoBoost
    Consumption (city / highway) 31 / 48 MPG
    (7.6 / 4.9 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio -
    Difference from world average consumption 25% better
    Driving range (full tank) -
    Consumption per passenger 1.2 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.6 TDCi
    Consumption (city / highway) 41 / 64 MPG
    (5.7 / 3.7 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio -
    Difference from world average consumption 63% better
    Driving range (full tank) 559—870 miles (900—1400 km)
    Consumption per passenger 0.9 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 2.0 TDCi
    Consumption (city / highway) 36 / 55 MPG
    (6.6 / 4.3 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio -
    Difference from world average consumption 41% better
    Driving range (full tank) -
    Consumption per passenger 1 L per 100 km / person

    Quick Notes on Ford Focus MPG

      • average 2013 Ford Focus MPG: 46 MPG / 6 L per 100 km
      • worst 2013 Ford Focus MPG: 24 MPG / 9.9 L per 100 km
      • best 2013 Ford Focus MPG: 64 MPG / 3.7 L per 100 km
      • body weight: 1386 kg / 3056 lbs
      • body type: station wagon (estate)
      • difference highway / city: 35%
      • average engine power: 123 kW / 167 hp
      • difference from world average: 44% better
      • max distance with full tank: 888 miles (1429 km)
      • Fuelson rating: 10 / 10

    2013 Ford Focus MPG (Miles per Gallon)

    2013 Ford Focus MPG is between 24 MPG and 64 MPG depending on engine:

  • 1.6 Ti-VCT — 29 to 49 MPG
  • 1.6 EcoBoost — 31 to 47 MPG
  • 2.0 TDCi — 35 to 53 MPG
  • 1.6 TDCi — 46 to 64 MPG
  • ST 2.0 EcoBoost — 24 to 42 MPG

    2013 Ford Focus MPG to weight ratio

    The 2013 Ford Focus MPG to weight ratio is shown in the graph:

  • 1.6 Ti-VCT — 34 kg/mpg
  • 1.6 EcoBoost — 35 kg/mpg
  • 2.0 TDCi — 33 kg/mpg
  • 1.6 TDCi — 24 kg/mpg
  • ST 2.0 EcoBoost — 42 kg/mpg

    2013 Ford Focus MPG: difference from world average

    We calculated that 2013 Ford Focus MPG is up to 75% better than the world average consumption.

  • 1.6 Ti-VCT is 22% more economical than average car
  • 1.6 EcoBoost is 22% more economical than average car
  • 2.0 TDCi is 37% more economical than average car
  • 1.6 TDCi is 75% more economical than average car
  • ST 2.0 EcoBoost is 3% more economical than average car

  • Additional Details On 2013 Ford Focus III Wagon MPG

    Vehicle Consumption (city / highway) Consumption to weight ratio Difference from world average consumption Driving range (full tank) Consumption per passenger
    1.6 Ti-VCT 29 / 49 MPG
    (8.1 / 4.8 L per 100 km)
    2.2 L per 100 km to 100 kg 22% better 435—684 miles
    (700—1100 km)
    1.2 L per 100 km / person
    1.6 EcoBoost 31 / 47 MPG
    (7.7 / 5 L per 100 km)
    2.3 L per 100 km to 100 kg 22% better 435—684 miles
    (700—1100 km)
    1.2 L per 100 km / person
    2.0 TDCi 35 / 53 MPG
    (6.8 / 4.4 L per 100 km)
    2.8 L per 100 km to 100 kg 37% better 559—870 miles
    (900—1400 km)
    1.1 L per 100 km / person
    1.6 TDCi 46 / 64 MPG
    (5.1 / 3.7 L per 100 km)
    3.3 L per 100 km to 100 kg 75% better 621—870 miles
    (1000—1400 km)
    0.8 L per 100 km / person
    ST 2.0 EcoBoost 24 / 42 MPG
    (9.9 / 5.6 L per 100 km)
    1.9 L per 100 km to 100 kg 3% better 373—621 miles
    (600—1000 km)
    1.4 L per 100 km / person

    Additional Details On 2013 Ford Focus III Wagon MPG

    Vehicle 1.6 Ti-VCT
    Consumption (city / highway) 29 / 49 MPG
    (8.1 / 4.8 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 2.2 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 22% better
    Driving range (full tank) 435—684 miles (700—1100 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.2 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.6 EcoBoost
    Consumption (city / highway) 31 / 47 MPG
    (7.7 / 5 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 2.3 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 22% better
    Driving range (full tank) 435—684 miles (700—1100 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.2 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 2.0 TDCi
    Consumption (city / highway) 35 / 53 MPG
    (6.8 / 4.4 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 2.8 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 37% better
    Driving range (full tank) 559—870 miles (900—1400 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.1 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.6 TDCi
    Consumption (city / highway) 46 / 64 MPG
    (5.1 / 3.7 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 3.3 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 75% better
    Driving range (full tank) 621—870 miles (1000—1400 km)
    Consumption per passenger 0.8 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle ST 2.0 EcoBoost
    Consumption (city / highway) 24 / 42 MPG
    (9.9 / 5.6 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 1.9 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 3% better
    Driving range (full tank) 373—621 miles (600—1000 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.4 L per 100 km / person

    Quick Notes on Ford Focus MPG

      • average 2009 Ford Focus MPG: 43 MPG / 7.1 L per 100 km
      • worst 2009 Ford Focus MPG: 17 MPG / 13.8 L per 100 km
      • best 2009 Ford Focus MPG: 59 MPG / 4 L per 100 km
      • body weight: 1468 kg / 3237 lbs
      • body type: hatchback
      • difference highway / city: 39%
      • average engine power: 104 kW / 141 hp
      • difference from world average: 34% better
      • max distance with full tank: 770 miles (1240 km)
      • Fuelson rating: 10 / 10

    2009 Ford Focus MPG (Miles per Gallon)

    Focus Ford Focus MPG is between 17 MPG and 59 MPG depending on engine:

  • 1.4 Duratec 16V — 27 to 44 MPG
  • 1.6 Duratec 16V — 27 to 43 MPG
  • 1.8 TDCi — 35 to 55 MPG
  • 1.6 Duratec Ti-VCR 16V — 27 to 46 MPG
  • 2.0 Duratec 16V — 24 to 44 MPG
  • 1.6 TDCi — 40 to 59 MPG
  • 1.6 TDCi HP — 40 to 56 MPG
  • 1.8 i 16V — 25 to 42 MPG
  • 2.0 16V — 21 to 39 MPG
  • 2.0 TDCi — 32 to 51 MPG
  • ST 2.5 i 20V — 17 to 35 MPG
  • RS 2.5 — 18 to 34 MPG

    2009 Ford Focus MPG to weight ratio

    The Focus Ford Focus MPG to weight ratio is shown in the graph:

  • 1.4 Duratec 16V — 35 kg/mpg
  • 1.6 Duratec 16V — 35 kg/mpg
  • 1.8 TDCi — 30 kg/mpg
  • 1.6 Duratec Ti-VCR 16V — 34 kg/mpg
  • 2.0 Duratec 16V — 40 kg/mpg
  • 1.6 TDCi — 27 kg/mpg
  • 1.6 TDCi HP — 29 kg/mpg
  • 1.8 i 16V — 41 kg/mpg
  • 2.0 16V — 51 kg/mpg
  • 2.0 TDCi — 34 kg/mpg
  • ST 2.5 i 20V — 56 kg/mpg
  • RS 2.5 — 59 kg/mpg

    2009 Ford Focus MPG: difference from world average

    We calculated that Focus Ford Focus MPG is up to 47% better than the world average consumption.

  • 1.4 Duratec 16V is 13% more economical than average car
  • 1.6 Duratec 16V is 9% more economical than average car
  • 1.8 TDCi is 41% more economical than average car
  • 1.6 Duratec Ti-VCR 16V is 16% more economical than average car
  • 2.0 Duratec 16V is 3% more economical than average car
  • 1.6 TDCi is 47% more economical than average car
  • 1.6 TDCi HP is 41% more economical than average car
  • 1.8 i 16V is 3% less economical than average car
  • 2.0 16V is 19% less economical than average car
  • 2.0 TDCi is 22% more economical than average car
  • ST 2.5 i 20V is 22% less economical than average car
  • RS 2.5 is 22% less economical than average car

  • Additional Details On Focus Ford II Hatchback MPG

    Vehicle Consumption (city / highway) Consumption to weight ratio Difference from world average consumption Driving range (full tank) Consumption per passenger
    1.4 Duratec 16V 27 / 44 MPG
    (8.7 / 5.4 L per 100 km)
    1.9 L per 100 km to 100 kg 13% better 373—621 miles
    (600—1000 km)
    1.3 L per 100 km / person
    1.6 Duratec 16V 27 / 43 MPG
    (8.7 / 5.5 L per 100 km)
    1.9 L per 100 km to 100 kg 9% better 373—621 miles
    (600—1000 km)
    1.3 L per 100 km / person
    1.8 TDCi 35 / 55 MPG
    (6.7 / 4.3 L per 100 km)
    2.6 L per 100 km to 100 kg 41% better 497—746 miles
    (800—1200 km)
    1 L per 100 km / person
    1.6 Duratec Ti-VCR 16V 27 / 46 MPG
    (8.7 / 5.1 L per 100 km)
    2 L per 100 km to 100 kg 16% better 373—684 miles
    (600—1100 km)
    1.3 L per 100 km / person
    2.0 Duratec 16V 24 / 44 MPG
    (9.8 / 5.4 L per 100 km)
    1.9 L per 100 km to 100 kg 3% better 373—621 miles
    (600—1000 km)
    1.4 L per 100 km / person
    1.6 TDCi 40 / 59 MPG
    (5.9 / 4 L per 100 km)
    2.6 L per 100 km to 100 kg 47% better 559—808 miles
    (900—1300 km)
    1 L per 100 km / person
    1.6 TDCi HP 40 / 56 MPG
    (5.9 / 4.2 L per 100 km)
    2.5 L per 100 km to 100 kg 41% better 559—746 miles
    (900—1200 km)
    1 L per 100 km / person
    1.8 i 16V 25 / 42 MPG
    (9.6 / 5.6 L per 100 km)
    1.7 L per 100 km to 100 kg 3% worse 373—621 miles
    (600—1000 km)
    1.5 L per 100 km / person
    2.0 16V 21 / 39 MPG
    (11.2 / 6.1 L per 100 km)
    1.5 L per 100 km to 100 kg 19% worse 311—559 miles
    (500—900 km)
    1.8 L per 100 km / person
    2.0 TDCi 32 / 51 MPG
    (7.4 / 4.6 L per 100 km)
    2.2 L per 100 km to 100 kg 22% better 435—746 miles
    (700—1200 km)
    1.2 L per 100 km / person
    ST 2.5 i 20V 17 / 35 MPG
    (13.8 / 6.8 L per 100 km)
    1.5 L per 100 km to 100 kg 22% worse 249—497 miles
    (400—800 km)
    1.9 L per 100 km / person
    RS 2.5 18 / 34 MPG
    (13.4 / 7 L per 100 km)
    1.6 L per 100 km to 100 kg 22% worse 311—559 miles
    (500—900 km)
    2.4 L per 100 km / person

    Additional Details On Focus Ford II Hatchback MPG

    Vehicle 1.4 Duratec 16V
    Consumption (city / highway) 27 / 44 MPG
    (8.7 / 5.4 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 1.9 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 13% better
    Driving range (full tank) 373—621 miles (600—1000 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.3 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.6 Duratec 16V
    Consumption (city / highway) 27 / 43 MPG
    (8.7 / 5.5 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 1.9 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 9% better
    Driving range (full tank) 373—621 miles (600—1000 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.3 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.8 TDCi
    Consumption (city / highway) 35 / 55 MPG
    (6.7 / 4.3 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 2.6 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 41% better
    Driving range (full tank) 497—746 miles (800—1200 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.6 Duratec Ti-VCR 16V
    Consumption (city / highway) 27 / 46 MPG
    (8.7 / 5.1 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 2 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 16% better
    Driving range (full tank) 373—684 miles (600—1100 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.3 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 2.0 Duratec 16V
    Consumption (city / highway) 24 / 44 MPG
    (9.8 / 5.4 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 1.9 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 3% better
    Driving range (full tank) 373—621 miles (600—1000 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.4 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.6 TDCi
    Consumption (city / highway) 40 / 59 MPG
    (5.9 / 4 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 2.6 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 47% better
    Driving range (full tank) 559—808 miles (900—1300 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.6 TDCi HP
    Consumption (city / highway) 40 / 56 MPG
    (5.9 / 4.2 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 2.5 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 41% better
    Driving range (full tank) 559—746 miles (900—1200 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.8 i 16V
    Consumption (city / highway) 25 / 42 MPG
    (9.6 / 5.6 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 1.7 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 3% worse
    Driving range (full tank) 373—621 miles (600—1000 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.5 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 2.0 16V
    Consumption (city / highway) 21 / 39 MPG
    (11.2 / 6.1 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 1.5 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 19% worse
    Driving range (full tank) 311—559 miles (500—900 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.8 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 2.0 TDCi
    Consumption (city / highway) 32 / 51 MPG
    (7.4 / 4.6 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 2.2 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 22% better
    Driving range (full tank) 435—746 miles (700—1200 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.2 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle ST 2.5 i 20V
    Consumption (city / highway) 17 / 35 MPG
    (13.8 / 6.8 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 1.5 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 22% worse
    Driving range (full tank) 249—497 miles (400—800 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.9 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle RS 2.5
    Consumption (city / highway) 18 / 34 MPG
    (13.4 / 7 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 1.6 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 22% worse
    Driving range (full tank) 311—559 miles (500—900 km)
    Consumption per passenger 2.4 L per 100 km / person

    Quick Notes on Ford Focus MPG

      • average 2006 Ford Focus MPG: 44 MPG / 8.8 L per 100 km
      • worst 2006 Ford Focus MPG: 20 MPG / 11.8 L per 100 km
      • best 2006 Ford Focus MPG: 37 MPG / 6.3 L per 100 km
      • body type: cabriolet
      • difference highway / city: 46%
      • average engine power: 107 kW / 145 hp
      • difference from world average: 37% better
      • max distance with full tank: 412 miles (663 km)
      • Fuelson rating: 10 / 10

    2006 Ford Focus MPG (Miles per Gallon)

    Focus Ford Focus MPG is 37 MPG on engine:

  • 2.0 Duratec 16V — 20 to 37 MPG

    2006 Ford Focus MPG: difference from world average

    We calculated that Focus Ford Focus MPG is up to 13% worse than the world average consumption.

  • 2.0 Duratec 16V is 13% less economical than average car

  • Additional Details On Focus Ford Cabriolet II MPG

    Vehicle Consumption (city / highway) Consumption to weight ratio Difference from world average consumption Driving range (full tank) Consumption per passenger
    2.0 Duratec 16V 20 / 37 MPG
    (11.8 / 6.3 L per 100 km)
    - 13% worse 311—559 miles
    (500—900 km)
    2.1 L per 100 km / person

    Additional Details On Focus Ford Cabriolet II MPG

    Vehicle 2.0 Duratec 16V
    Consumption (city / highway) 20 / 37 MPG
    (11.8 / 6.3 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio -
    Difference from world average consumption 13% worse
    Driving range (full tank) 311—559 miles (500—900 km)
    Consumption per passenger 2.1 L per 100 km / person

    Quick Notes on Ford Focus MPG

      • average 2005 Ford Focus MPG: 42 MPG / 6.7 L per 100 km
      • worst 2005 Ford Focus MPG: 21 MPG / 11.2 L per 100 km
      • best 2005 Ford Focus MPG: 59 MPG / 4 L per 100 km
      • body weight: 1350 kg / 2977 lbs
      • body type: sedan
      • difference highway / city: 38%
      • average engine power: 86 kW / 116 hp
      • difference from world average: 31% better
      • max distance with full tank: 684 miles (1100 km)
      • Fuelson rating: 10 / 10

    2005 Ford Focus MPG (Miles per Gallon)

    Focus Ford Focus MPG is between 21 MPG and 59 MPG depending on engine:

  • 1.6 Duratec 16V — 23 to 41 MPG
  • 1.4 Duratec 16V — 27 to 44 MPG
  • 1.6 Duratec Ti-VCR 16V — 27 to 46 MPG
  • 1.6 TDCi — 40 to 59 MPG
  • 1.8 TDCi — 35 to 53 MPG
  • 1.6 TDCi HP — 38 to 59 MPG
  • 1.8 i 16V — 25 to 42 MPG
  • 2.0 16V — 21 to 39 MPG
  • 2.0 Duratec 16V — 27 to 44 MPG
  • 2.0 TDCi — 31 to 50 MPG

    2005 Ford Focus MPG to weight ratio

    The Focus Ford Focus MPG to weight ratio is shown in the graph:

  • 1.6 Duratec 16V — 39 kg/mpg
  • 1.4 Duratec 16V — 36 kg/mpg
  • 1.6 Duratec Ti-VCR 16V — 38 kg/mpg
  • 1.6 TDCi — 29 kg/mpg
  • 1.8 TDCi — 33 kg/mpg
  • 1.6 TDCi HP — 28 kg/mpg
  • 1.8 i 16V — 42 kg/mpg
  • 2.0 16V — 50 kg/mpg
  • 2.0 Duratec 16V — 39 kg/mpg
  • 2.0 TDCi — 35 kg/mpg

    2005 Ford Focus MPG: difference from world average

    We calculated that Focus Ford Focus MPG is up to 47% better than the world average consumption.

  • 1.6 Duratec 16V is 3% less economical than average car
  • 1.4 Duratec 16V is 3% more economical than average car
  • 1.6 Duratec Ti-VCR 16V is 6% more economical than average car
  • 1.6 TDCi is 47% more economical than average car
  • 1.8 TDCi is 31% more economical than average car
  • 1.6 TDCi HP is 44% more economical than average car
  • 1.8 i 16V is 3% less economical than average car
  • 2.0 16V is 19% less economical than average car
  • 2.0 Duratec 16V is 3% more economical than average car
  • 2.0 TDCi is 22% more economical than average car

  • Additional Details On Focus Ford II Sedan MPG

    Vehicle Consumption (city / highway) Consumption to weight ratio Difference from world average consumption Driving range (full tank) Consumption per passenger
    1.6 Duratec 16V 23 / 41 MPG
    (10.3 / 5.8 L per 100 km)
    1.6 L per 100 km to 100 kg 3% worse 311—559 miles
    (500—900 km)
    1.5 L per 100 km / person
    1.4 Duratec 16V 27 / 44 MPG
    (8.7 / 5.4 L per 100 km)
    1.7 L per 100 km to 100 kg 3% better 373—621 miles
    (600—1000 km)
    1.4 L per 100 km / person
    1.6 Duratec Ti-VCR 16V 27 / 46 MPG
    (8.7 / 5.1 L per 100 km)
    1.9 L per 100 km to 100 kg 6% better 373—684 miles
    (600—1100 km)
    1.4 L per 100 km / person
    1.6 TDCi 40 / 59 MPG
    (5.9 / 4 L per 100 km)
    2.8 L per 100 km to 100 kg 47% better 559—808 miles
    (900—1300 km)
    1 L per 100 km / person
    1.8 TDCi 35 / 53 MPG
    (6.8 / 4.4 L per 100 km)
    2.5 L per 100 km to 100 kg 31% better 497—746 miles
    (800—1200 km)
    1.1 L per 100 km / person
    1.6 TDCi HP 38 / 59 MPG
    (6.2 / 4 L per 100 km)
    2.6 L per 100 km to 100 kg 44% better 559—808 miles
    (900—1300 km)
    1 L per 100 km / person
    1.8 i 16V 25 / 42 MPG
    (9.6 / 5.6 L per 100 km)
    1.7 L per 100 km to 100 kg 3% worse 373—621 miles
    (600—1000 km)
    1.5 L per 100 km / person
    2.0 16V 21 / 39 MPG
    (11.2 / 6.1 L per 100 km)
    1.5 L per 100 km to 100 kg 19% worse 311—559 miles
    (500—900 km)
    1.8 L per 100 km / person
    2.0 Duratec 16V 27 / 44 MPG
    (8.7 / 5.4 L per 100 km)
    1.8 L per 100 km to 100 kg 3% better 373—621 miles
    (600—1000 km)
    1.4 L per 100 km / person
    2.0 TDCi 31 / 50 MPG
    (7.5 / 4.7 L per 100 km)
    2.2 L per 100 km to 100 kg 22% better 435—684 miles
    (700—1100 km)
    1.2 L per 100 km / person

    Additional Details On Focus Ford II Sedan MPG

    Vehicle 1.6 Duratec 16V
    Consumption (city / highway) 23 / 41 MPG
    (10.3 / 5.8 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 1.6 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 3% worse
    Driving range (full tank) 311—559 miles (500—900 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.5 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.4 Duratec 16V
    Consumption (city / highway) 27 / 44 MPG
    (8.7 / 5.4 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 1.7 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 3% better
    Driving range (full tank) 373—621 miles (600—1000 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.4 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.6 Duratec Ti-VCR 16V
    Consumption (city / highway) 27 / 46 MPG
    (8.7 / 5.1 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 1.9 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 6% better
    Driving range (full tank) 373—684 miles (600—1100 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.4 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.6 TDCi
    Consumption (city / highway) 40 / 59 MPG
    (5.9 / 4 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 2.8 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 47% better
    Driving range (full tank) 559—808 miles (900—1300 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.8 TDCi
    Consumption (city / highway) 35 / 53 MPG
    (6.8 / 4.4 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 2.5 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 31% better
    Driving range (full tank) 497—746 miles (800—1200 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.1 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.6 TDCi HP
    Consumption (city / highway) 38 / 59 MPG
    (6.2 / 4 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 2.6 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 44% better
    Driving range (full tank) 559—808 miles (900—1300 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.8 i 16V
    Consumption (city / highway) 25 / 42 MPG
    (9.6 / 5.6 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 1.7 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 3% worse
    Driving range (full tank) 373—621 miles (600—1000 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.5 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 2.0 16V
    Consumption (city / highway) 21 / 39 MPG
    (11.2 / 6.1 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 1.5 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 19% worse
    Driving range (full tank) 311—559 miles (500—900 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.8 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 2.0 Duratec 16V
    Consumption (city / highway) 27 / 44 MPG
    (8.7 / 5.4 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 1.8 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 3% better
    Driving range (full tank) 373—621 miles (600—1000 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.4 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 2.0 TDCi
    Consumption (city / highway) 31 / 50 MPG
    (7.5 / 4.7 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 2.2 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 22% better
    Driving range (full tank) 435—684 miles (700—1100 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.2 L per 100 km / person

    Quick Notes on Ford Focus MPG

      • average 2005 Ford Focus MPG: 42 MPG / 6.5 L per 100 km
      • worst 2005 Ford Focus MPG: 21 MPG / 11.2 L per 100 km
      • best 2005 Ford Focus MPG: 59 MPG / 4 L per 100 km
      • body weight: 1385 kg / 3054 lbs
      • body type: station wagon (estate)
      • difference highway / city: 37%
      • average engine power: 83 kW / 113 hp
      • difference from world average: 31% better
      • max distance with full tank: 684 miles (1100 km)
      • Fuelson rating: 10 / 10

    2005 Ford Focus MPG (Miles per Gallon)

    Focus Ford Focus MPG is between 21 MPG and 59 MPG depending on engine:

  • 1.4 Duratec 16V — 27 to 44 MPG
  • 1.6 Duratec 16V — 27 to 43 MPG
  • 1.6 Duratec Ti-VCR 16V — 27 to 46 MPG
  • 1.6 TDCi — 40 to 59 MPG
  • 1.6 TDCi HP — 38 to 59 MPG
  • 1.8 i 16V — 25 to 42 MPG
  • 1.8 TDCi — 35 to 53 MPG
  • 2.0 Duratec 16V — 21 to 39 MPG
  • 2.0 TDCi — 31 to 50 MPG

    2005 Ford Focus MPG to weight ratio

    The Focus Ford Focus MPG to weight ratio is shown in the graph:

  • 1.4 Duratec 16V — 35 kg/mpg
  • 1.6 Duratec 16V — 37 kg/mpg
  • 1.6 Duratec Ti-VCR 16V — 35 kg/mpg
  • 1.6 TDCi — 28 kg/mpg
  • 1.6 TDCi HP — 29 kg/mpg
  • 1.8 i 16V — 42 kg/mpg
  • 1.8 TDCi — 32 kg/mpg
  • 2.0 Duratec 16V — 53 kg/mpg
  • 2.0 TDCi — 36 kg/mpg

    2005 Ford Focus MPG: difference from world average

    We calculated that Focus Ford Focus MPG is up to 47% better than the world average consumption.

  • 1.4 Duratec 16V is 13% more economical than average car
  • 1.6 Duratec 16V is 9% more economical than average car
  • 1.6 Duratec Ti-VCR 16V is 16% more economical than average car
  • 1.6 TDCi is 47% more economical than average car
  • 1.6 TDCi HP is 44% more economical than average car
  • 1.8 i 16V is 3% less economical than average car
  • 1.8 TDCi is 37% more economical than average car
  • 2.0 Duratec 16V is 19% less economical than average car
  • 2.0 TDCi is 22% more economical than average car

  • Additional Details On Focus Ford Turnier II MPG

    Vehicle Consumption (city / highway) Consumption to weight ratio Difference from world average consumption Driving range (full tank) Consumption per passenger
    1.4 Duratec 16V 27 / 44 MPG
    (8.7 / 5.4 L per 100 km)
    1.9 L per 100 km to 100 kg 13% better 373—621 miles
    (600—1000 km)
    1.3 L per 100 km / person
    1.6 Duratec 16V 27 / 43 MPG
    (8.7 / 5.5 L per 100 km)
    1.9 L per 100 km to 100 kg 9% better 373—621 miles
    (600—1000 km)
    1.3 L per 100 km / person
    1.6 Duratec Ti-VCR 16V 27 / 46 MPG
    (8.7 / 5.1 L per 100 km)
    2 L per 100 km to 100 kg 16% better 373—684 miles
    (600—1100 km)
    1.3 L per 100 km / person
    1.6 TDCi 40 / 59 MPG
    (5.9 / 4 L per 100 km)
    2.6 L per 100 km to 100 kg 47% better 559—870 miles
    (900—1400 km)
    1 L per 100 km / person
    1.6 TDCi HP 38 / 59 MPG
    (6.2 / 4 L per 100 km)
    2.6 L per 100 km to 100 kg 44% better 559—870 miles
    (900—1400 km)
    1 L per 100 km / person
    1.8 i 16V 25 / 42 MPG
    (9.6 / 5.6 L per 100 km)
    1.7 L per 100 km to 100 kg 3% worse 373—621 miles
    (600—1000 km)
    1.5 L per 100 km / person
    1.8 TDCi 35 / 53 MPG
    (6.8 / 4.4 L per 100 km)
    2.6 L per 100 km to 100 kg 37% better 497—808 miles
    (800—1300 km)
    1.1 L per 100 km / person
    2.0 Duratec 16V 21 / 39 MPG
    (11.2 / 6.1 L per 100 km)
    1.6 L per 100 km to 100 kg 19% worse 311—559 miles
    (500—900 km)
    1.8 L per 100 km / person
    2.0 TDCi 31 / 50 MPG
    (7.5 / 4.7 L per 100 km)
    2.3 L per 100 km to 100 kg 22% better 435—746 miles
    (700—1200 km)
    1.2 L per 100 km / person

    Additional Details On Focus Ford Turnier II MPG

    Vehicle 1.4 Duratec 16V
    Consumption (city / highway) 27 / 44 MPG
    (8.7 / 5.4 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 1.9 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 13% better
    Driving range (full tank) 373—621 miles (600—1000 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.3 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.6 Duratec 16V
    Consumption (city / highway) 27 / 43 MPG
    (8.7 / 5.5 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 1.9 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 9% better
    Driving range (full tank) 373—621 miles (600—1000 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.3 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.6 Duratec Ti-VCR 16V
    Consumption (city / highway) 27 / 46 MPG
    (8.7 / 5.1 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 2 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 16% better
    Driving range (full tank) 373—684 miles (600—1100 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.3 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.6 TDCi
    Consumption (city / highway) 40 / 59 MPG
    (5.9 / 4 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 2.6 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 47% better
    Driving range (full tank) 559—870 miles (900—1400 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.6 TDCi HP
    Consumption (city / highway) 38 / 59 MPG
    (6.2 / 4 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 2.6 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 44% better
    Driving range (full tank) 559—870 miles (900—1400 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.8 i 16V
    Consumption (city / highway) 25 / 42 MPG
    (9.6 / 5.6 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 1.7 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 3% worse
    Driving range (full tank) 373—621 miles (600—1000 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.5 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.8 TDCi
    Consumption (city / highway) 35 / 53 MPG
    (6.8 / 4.4 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 2.6 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 37% better
    Driving range (full tank) 497—808 miles (800—1300 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.1 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 2.0 Duratec 16V
    Consumption (city / highway) 21 / 39 MPG
    (11.2 / 6.1 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 1.6 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 19% worse
    Driving range (full tank) 311—559 miles (500—900 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.8 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 2.0 TDCi
    Consumption (city / highway) 31 / 50 MPG
    (7.5 / 4.7 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 2.3 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 22% better
    Driving range (full tank) 435—746 miles (700—1200 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.2 L per 100 km / person

    Quick Notes on Ford Focus MPG

      • average 2002 Ford Focus MPG: 41 MPG / 7.7 L per 100 km
      • worst 2002 Ford Focus MPG: 17 MPG / 14.2 L per 100 km
      • best 2002 Ford Focus MPG: 60 MPG / 3.9 L per 100 km
      • body weight: 1210 kg / 2668 lbs
      • body type: hatchback
      • difference highway / city: 40%
      • average engine power: 87 kW / 119 hp
      • difference from world average: 28% better
      • max distance with full tank: 670 miles (1078 km)
      • Fuelson rating: 10 / 10

    2002 Ford Focus MPG (Miles per Gallon)

    Focus Ford Focus MPG is between 17 MPG and 60 MPG depending on engine:

  • 1.6 16V — 24 to 34 MPG
  • 2.0 16V — 20 to 33 MPG
  • 1.4 16V — 25 to 45 MPG
  • 1.6 i Duratec 8V — 25 to 42 MPG
  • 1.8 DI — 35 to 59 MPG
  • 1.8 16V — 23 to 39 MPG
  • 1.8 TDCi — 33 to 53 MPG
  • 1.8 Turbo DI — 35 to 60 MPG
  • 2.0 16V ST170 — 19 to 31 MPG
  • 2.0 i 16V RS — 17 to 31 MPG

    2002 Ford Focus MPG to weight ratio

    The Focus Ford Focus MPG to weight ratio is shown in the graph:

  • 1.6 16V — 37 kg/mpg
  • 2.0 16V — 46 kg/mpg
  • 1.4 16V — 31 kg/mpg
  • 1.8 DI — 26 kg/mpg
  • 1.8 16V — 36 kg/mpg
  • 1.8 TDCi — 29 kg/mpg
  • 1.8 Turbo DI — 26 kg/mpg
  • 2.0 16V ST170 — 46 kg/mpg
  • 2.0 i 16V RS — 53 kg/mpg

    2002 Ford Focus MPG: difference from world average

    We calculated that Focus Ford Focus MPG is up to 44% better than the world average consumption.

  • 1.6 16V is 9% less economical than average car
  • 2.0 16V is 22% less economical than average car
  • 1.4 16V is 9% more economical than average car
  • 1.6 i Duratec 8V is 6% more economical than average car
  • 1.8 DI is 44% more economical than average car
  • 1.8 16V is 3% less economical than average car
  • 1.8 TDCi is 37% more economical than average car
  • 1.8 Turbo DI is 44% more economical than average car
  • 2.0 16V ST170 is 16% less economical than average car
  • 2.0 i 16V RS is 28% less economical than average car

  • Additional Details On Focus Ford Hatchback I MPG

    Vehicle Consumption (city / highway) Consumption to weight ratio Difference from world average consumption Driving range (full tank) Consumption per passenger
    1.6 16V 24 / 34 MPG
    (9.7 / 7 L per 100 km)
    1.3 L per 100 km to 100 kg 9% worse 373—497 miles
    (600—800 km)
    1.6 L per 100 km / person
    2.0 16V 20 / 33 MPG
    (11.8 / 7.2 L per 100 km)
    1.2 L per 100 km to 100 kg 22% worse 311—497 miles
    (500—800 km)
    1.9 L per 100 km / person
    1.4 16V 25 / 45 MPG
    (9.5 / 5.2 L per 100 km)
    1.6 L per 100 km to 100 kg 9% better 373—684 miles
    (600—1100 km)
    1.3 L per 100 km / person
    1.6 i Duratec 8V 25 / 42 MPG
    (9.4 / 5.6 L per 100 km)
    - 6% better 373—559 miles
    (600—900 km)
    1.4 L per 100 km / person
    1.8 DI 35 / 59 MPG
    (6.7 / 4 L per 100 km)
    2.3 L per 100 km to 100 kg 44% better 497—808 miles
    (800—1300 km)
    1 L per 100 km / person
    1.8 16V 23 / 39 MPG
    (10.3 / 6 L per 100 km)
    1.5 L per 100 km to 100 kg 3% worse 311—559 miles
    (500—900 km)
    1.5 L per 100 km / person
    1.8 TDCi 33 / 53 MPG
    (7.2 / 4.4 L per 100 km)
    2.4 L per 100 km to 100 kg 37% better 435—746 miles
    (700—1200 km)
    1.1 L per 100 km / person
    1.8 Turbo DI 35 / 60 MPG
    (6.7 / 3.9 L per 100 km)
    2.3 L per 100 km to 100 kg 44% better 497—870 miles
    (800—1400 km)
    1 L per 100 km / person
    2.0 16V ST170 19 / 31 MPG
    (12.4 / 7.5 L per 100 km)
    1.4 L per 100 km to 100 kg 16% worse 249—435 miles
    (400—700 km)
    1.8 L per 100 km / person
    2.0 i 16V RS 17 / 31 MPG
    (14.2 / 7.7 L per 100 km)
    1.2 L per 100 km to 100 kg 28% worse 249—435 miles
    (400—700 km)
    2 L per 100 km / person

    Additional Details On Focus Ford Hatchback I MPG

    Vehicle 1.6 16V
    Consumption (city / highway) 24 / 34 MPG
    (9.7 / 7 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 1.3 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 9% worse
    Driving range (full tank) 373—497 miles (600—800 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.6 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 2.0 16V
    Consumption (city / highway) 20 / 33 MPG
    (11.8 / 7.2 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 1.2 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 22% worse
    Driving range (full tank) 311—497 miles (500—800 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.9 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.4 16V
    Consumption (city / highway) 25 / 45 MPG
    (9.5 / 5.2 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 1.6 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 9% better
    Driving range (full tank) 373—684 miles (600—1100 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.3 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.6 i Duratec 8V
    Consumption (city / highway) 25 / 42 MPG
    (9.4 / 5.6 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio -
    Difference from world average consumption 6% better
    Driving range (full tank) 373—559 miles (600—900 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.4 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.8 DI
    Consumption (city / highway) 35 / 59 MPG
    (6.7 / 4 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 2.3 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 44% better
    Driving range (full tank) 497—808 miles (800—1300 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.8 16V
    Consumption (city / highway) 23 / 39 MPG
    (10.3 / 6 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 1.5 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 3% worse
    Driving range (full tank) 311—559 miles (500—900 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.5 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.8 TDCi
    Consumption (city / highway) 33 / 53 MPG
    (7.2 / 4.4 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 2.4 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 37% better
    Driving range (full tank) 435—746 miles (700—1200 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.1 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.8 Turbo DI
    Consumption (city / highway) 35 / 60 MPG
    (6.7 / 3.9 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 2.3 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 44% better
    Driving range (full tank) 497—870 miles (800—1400 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 2.0 16V ST170
    Consumption (city / highway) 19 / 31 MPG
    (12.4 / 7.5 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 1.4 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 16% worse
    Driving range (full tank) 249—435 miles (400—700 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.8 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 2.0 i 16V RS
    Consumption (city / highway) 17 / 31 MPG
    (14.2 / 7.7 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 1.2 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 28% worse
    Driving range (full tank) 249—435 miles (400—700 km)
    Consumption per passenger 2 L per 100 km / person

    Quick Notes on Ford Focus MPG

      • average 2002 Ford Focus MPG: 41 MPG / 7.3 L per 100 km
      • worst 2002 Ford Focus MPG: 19 MPG / 12.4 L per 100 km
      • best 2002 Ford Focus MPG: 57 MPG / 4.1 L per 100 km
      • body weight: 1280 kg / 2822 lbs
      • body type: station wagon (estate)
      • difference highway / city: 39%
      • average engine power: 79 kW / 108 hp
      • difference from world average: 28% better
      • max distance with full tank: 670 miles (1078 km)
      • Fuelson rating: 10 / 10

    2002 Ford Focus MPG (Miles per Gallon)

    Focus Ford Focus MPG is between 19 MPG and 57 MPG depending on engine:

  • 1.6 16V — 25 to 43 MPG
  • 1.4 16V — 27 to 44 MPG
  • 1.8 DI — 35 to 57 MPG
  • 1.8 16V — 23 to 39 MPG
  • 1.6 i Duratec 8V — 25 to 42 MPG
  • 1.8 TDCi — 33 to 53 MPG
  • 2.0 16V — 20 to 33 MPG
  • 1.8 Turbo DI — 35 to 52 MPG
  • 2.0 i 16V ST170 — 19 to 33 MPG

    2002 Ford Focus MPG to weight ratio

    The Focus Ford Focus MPG to weight ratio is shown in the graph:

  • 1.6 16V — 35 kg/mpg
  • 1.4 16V — 31 kg/mpg
  • 1.8 DI — 27 kg/mpg
  • 1.8 16V — 38 kg/mpg
  • 1.8 TDCi — 30 kg/mpg
  • 2.0 16V — 48 kg/mpg
  • 1.8 Turbo DI — 28 kg/mpg
  • 2.0 i 16V ST170 — 53 kg/mpg

    2002 Ford Focus MPG: difference from world average

    We calculated that Focus Ford Focus MPG is up to 44% better than the world average consumption.

  • 1.6 16V is 6% more economical than average car
  • 1.4 16V is 13% more economical than average car
  • 1.8 DI is 44% more economical than average car
  • 1.8 16V is 3% less economical than average car
  • 1.6 i Duratec 8V is 6% more economical than average car
  • 1.8 TDCi is 37% more economical than average car
  • 2.0 16V is 22% less economical than average car
  • 1.8 Turbo DI is 37% more economical than average car
  • 2.0 i 16V ST170 is 25% less economical than average car

  • Additional Details On Focus Ford Turnier I MPG

    Vehicle Consumption (city / highway) Consumption to weight ratio Difference from world average consumption Driving range (full tank) Consumption per passenger
    1.6 16V 25 / 43 MPG
    (9.3 / 5.5 L per 100 km)
    1.7 L per 100 km to 100 kg 6% better 373—621 miles
    (600—1000 km)
    1.4 L per 100 km / person
    1.4 16V 27 / 44 MPG
    (8.7 / 5.3 L per 100 km)
    1.7 L per 100 km to 100 kg 13% better 373—621 miles
    (600—1000 km)
    1.3 L per 100 km / person
    1.8 DI 35 / 57 MPG
    (6.8 / 4.1 L per 100 km)
    2.4 L per 100 km to 100 kg 44% better 497—808 miles
    (800—1300 km)
    1 L per 100 km / person
    1.8 16V 23 / 39 MPG
    (10.3 / 6 L per 100 km)
    1.5 L per 100 km to 100 kg 3% worse 311—559 miles
    (500—900 km)
    1.5 L per 100 km / person
    1.6 i Duratec 8V 25 / 42 MPG
    (9.4 / 5.6 L per 100 km)
    - 6% better 373—559 miles
    (600—900 km)
    1.4 L per 100 km / person
    1.8 TDCi 33 / 53 MPG
    (7.2 / 4.4 L per 100 km)
    2.5 L per 100 km to 100 kg 37% better 435—746 miles
    (700—1200 km)
    1.1 L per 100 km / person
    2.0 16V 20 / 33 MPG
    (11.8 / 7.2 L per 100 km)
    1.3 L per 100 km to 100 kg 22% worse 249—435 miles
    (400—700 km)
    1.9 L per 100 km / person
    1.8 Turbo DI 35 / 52 MPG
    (6.7 / 4.5 L per 100 km)
    2.3 L per 100 km to 100 kg 37% better 497—746 miles
    (800—1200 km)
    1.1 L per 100 km / person
    2.0 i 16V ST170 19 / 33 MPG
    (12.4 / 7.2 L per 100 km)
    1.3 L per 100 km to 100 kg 25% worse 249—497 miles
    (400—800 km)
    2 L per 100 km / person

    Additional Details On Focus Ford Turnier I MPG

    Vehicle 1.6 16V
    Consumption (city / highway) 25 / 43 MPG
    (9.3 / 5.5 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 1.7 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 6% better
    Driving range (full tank) 373—621 miles (600—1000 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.4 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.4 16V
    Consumption (city / highway) 27 / 44 MPG
    (8.7 / 5.3 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 1.7 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 13% better
    Driving range (full tank) 373—621 miles (600—1000 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.3 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.8 DI
    Consumption (city / highway) 35 / 57 MPG
    (6.8 / 4.1 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 2.4 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 44% better
    Driving range (full tank) 497—808 miles (800—1300 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.8 16V
    Consumption (city / highway) 23 / 39 MPG
    (10.3 / 6 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 1.5 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 3% worse
    Driving range (full tank) 311—559 miles (500—900 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.5 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.6 i Duratec 8V
    Consumption (city / highway) 25 / 42 MPG
    (9.4 / 5.6 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio -
    Difference from world average consumption 6% better
    Driving range (full tank) 373—559 miles (600—900 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.4 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.8 TDCi
    Consumption (city / highway) 33 / 53 MPG
    (7.2 / 4.4 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 2.5 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 37% better
    Driving range (full tank) 435—746 miles (700—1200 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.1 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 2.0 16V
    Consumption (city / highway) 20 / 33 MPG
    (11.8 / 7.2 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 1.3 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 22% worse
    Driving range (full tank) 249—435 miles (400—700 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.9 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.8 Turbo DI
    Consumption (city / highway) 35 / 52 MPG
    (6.7 / 4.5 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 2.3 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 37% better
    Driving range (full tank) 497—746 miles (800—1200 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.1 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 2.0 i 16V ST170
    Consumption (city / highway) 19 / 33 MPG
    (12.4 / 7.2 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 1.3 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 25% worse
    Driving range (full tank) 249—497 miles (400—800 km)
    Consumption per passenger 2 L per 100 km / person

    Quick Notes on Ford Focus MPG

      • average 2000 Ford Focus MPG: 41 MPG / 8.3 L per 100 km
      • worst 2000 Ford Focus MPG: 22 MPG / 10.7 L per 100 km
      • best 2000 Ford Focus MPG: 36 MPG / 6.5 L per 100 km
      • body weight: 1280 kg / 2822 lbs
      • body type: sedan
      • difference highway / city: 24%
      • average engine power: 97 kW / 132 hp
      • difference from world average: 28% better
      • max distance with full tank: 439 miles (707 km)
      • Fuelson rating: 10 / 10

    2000 Ford Focus MPG (Miles per Gallon)

    2000 Ford Focus MPG is between 22 MPG and 36 MPG depending on engine:

  • 2.0i 16V ZTS — 25 to 33 MPG
  • 2.0 i LX/SE — 28 to 36 MPG
  • 2.3 i 16V ST — 22 to 31 MPG

    2000 Ford Focus MPG to weight ratio

    The 2000 Ford Focus MPG to weight ratio is shown in the graph:

  • 2.0i 16V ZTS — 45 kg/mpg
  • 2.0 i LX/SE — 38 kg/mpg
  • 2.3 i 16V ST — 49 kg/mpg

    2000 Ford Focus MPG: difference from world average

    We calculated that 2000 Ford Focus MPG is up to 19% worse than the world average consumption.

  • 2.0i 16V ZTS is 13% less economical than average car
  • 2.0 i LX/SE is 3% less economical than average car
  • 2.3 i 16V ST is 19% less economical than average car

  • Additional Details On 2000 Ford Focus Sedan (USA) MPG

    Vehicle Consumption (city / highway) Consumption to weight ratio Difference from world average consumption Driving range (full tank) Consumption per passenger
    2.0i 16V ZTS 25 / 33 MPG
    (9.4 / 7.1 L per 100 km)
    1.5 L per 100 km to 100 kg 13% worse 311—435 miles
    (500—700 km)
    1.7 L per 100 km / person
    2.0 i LX/SE 28 / 36 MPG
    (8.4 / 6.5 L per 100 km)
    1.6 L per 100 km to 100 kg 3% worse 373—497 miles
    (600—800 km)
    1.5 L per 100 km / person
    2.3 i 16V ST 22 / 31 MPG
    (10.7 / 7.6 L per 100 km)
    1.4 L per 100 km to 100 kg 19% worse 311—435 miles
    (500—700 km)
    1.8 L per 100 km / person

    Additional Details On 2000 Ford Focus Sedan (USA) MPG

    Vehicle 2.0i 16V ZTS
    Consumption (city / highway) 25 / 33 MPG
    (9.4 / 7.1 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 1.5 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 13% worse
    Driving range (full tank) 311—435 miles (500—700 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.7 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 2.0 i LX/SE
    Consumption (city / highway) 28 / 36 MPG
    (8.4 / 6.5 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 1.6 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 3% worse
    Driving range (full tank) 373—497 miles (600—800 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.5 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 2.3 i 16V ST
    Consumption (city / highway) 22 / 31 MPG
    (10.7 / 7.6 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 1.4 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 19% worse
    Driving range (full tank) 311—435 miles (500—700 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.8 L per 100 km / person

    Quick Notes on Ford Focus MPG

      • average 2000 Ford Focus MPG: 40 MPG / 8.7 L per 100 km
      • worst 2000 Ford Focus MPG: 22 MPG / 10.7 L per 100 km
      • best 2000 Ford Focus MPG: 34 MPG / 6.9 L per 100 km
      • body weight: 1315 kg / 2900 lbs
      • body type: station wagon (estate)
      • difference highway / city: 28%
      • average engine power: 102 kW / 139 hp
      • difference from world average: 25% better
      • max distance with full tank: 401 miles (646 km)
      • Fuelson rating: 10 / 10

    2000 Ford Focus MPG (Miles per Gallon)

    2000 Ford Focus MPG is between 22 MPG and 34 MPG depending on engine:

  • 2.0i 16V SE — 25 to 34 MPG
  • 2.3 i 16V ZXW — 22 to 31 MPG

    2000 Ford Focus MPG to weight ratio

    The 2000 Ford Focus MPG to weight ratio is shown in the graph:

  • 2.0i 16V SE — 44 kg/mpg
  • 2.3 i 16V ZXW — 51 kg/mpg

    2000 Ford Focus MPG: difference from world average

    We calculated that 2000 Ford Focus MPG is up to 19% worse than the world average consumption.

  • 2.0i 16V SE is 9% less economical than average car
  • 2.3 i 16V ZXW is 19% less economical than average car

  • Additional Details On 2000 Ford Focus Turnier (USA) MPG

    Vehicle Consumption (city / highway) Consumption to weight ratio Difference from world average consumption Driving range (full tank) Consumption per passenger
    2.0i 16V SE 25 / 34 MPG
    (9.4 / 6.9 L per 100 km)
    1.6 L per 100 km to 100 kg 9% worse 311—435 miles
    (500—700 km)
    1.6 L per 100 km / person
    2.3 i 16V ZXW 22 / 31 MPG
    (10.7 / 7.6 L per 100 km)
    1.4 L per 100 km to 100 kg 19% worse 311—435 miles
    (500—700 km)
    1.8 L per 100 km / person

    Additional Details On 2000 Ford Focus Turnier (USA) MPG

    Vehicle 2.0i 16V SE
    Consumption (city / highway) 25 / 34 MPG
    (9.4 / 6.9 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 1.6 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 9% worse
    Driving range (full tank) 311—435 miles (500—700 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.6 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 2.3 i 16V ZXW
    Consumption (city / highway) 22 / 31 MPG
    (10.7 / 7.6 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 1.4 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 19% worse
    Driving range (full tank) 311—435 miles (500—700 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.8 L per 100 km / person

    Quick Notes on Ford Focus MPG

      • average 2000 Ford Focus MPG: 40 MPG / 8.6 L per 100 km
      • worst 2000 Ford Focus MPG: 21 MPG / 11.2 L per 100 km
      • best 2000 Ford Focus MPG: 36 MPG / 6.5 L per 100 km
      • body weight: 1190 kg / 2624 lbs
      • body type: hatchback
      • difference highway / city: 22%
      • average engine power: 100 kW / 136 hp
      • difference from world average: 25% better
      • max distance with full tank: 409 miles (658 km)
      • Fuelson rating: 10 / 10

    2000 Ford Focus MPG (Miles per Gallon)

    2000 Ford Focus MPG is between 21 MPG and 36 MPG depending on engine:

  • 2.0 i 16V SVT — 21 to 25 MPG
  • 2.0 i 16V ZX3 — 25 to 33 MPG
  • 2.0 i 16V ZX5 — 25 to 33 MPG
  • 2.0 i LX — 27 to 36 MPG

    2000 Ford Focus MPG to weight ratio

    The 2000 Ford Focus MPG to weight ratio is shown in the graph:

  • 2.0 i 16V SVT — 55 kg/mpg
  • 2.0 i 16V ZX3 — 43 kg/mpg
  • 2.0 i 16V ZX5 — 44 kg/mpg
  • 2.0 i LX — 38 kg/mpg

    2000 Ford Focus MPG: difference from world average

    We calculated that 2000 Ford Focus MPG is up to 28% worse than the world average consumption.

  • 2.0 i 16V SVT is 28% less economical than average car
  • 2.0 i 16V ZX3 is 13% less economical than average car
  • 2.0 i 16V ZX5 is 13% less economical than average car
  • 2.0 i LX is 3% less economical than average car

  • Additional Details On 2000 Ford Focus Hatchback (USA) MPG

    Vehicle Consumption (city / highway) Consumption to weight ratio Difference from world average consumption Driving range (full tank) Consumption per passenger
    2.0 i 16V SVT 21 / 25 MPG
    (11.2 / 9.4 L per 100 km)
    1.2 L per 100 km to 100 kg 28% worse 249—311 miles
    (400—500 km)
    2.1 L per 100 km / person
    2.0 i 16V ZX3 25 / 33 MPG
    (9.4 / 7.1 L per 100 km)
    1.4 L per 100 km to 100 kg 13% worse 311—435 miles
    (500—700 km)
    1.7 L per 100 km / person
    2.0 i 16V ZX5 25 / 33 MPG
    (9.4 / 7.1 L per 100 km)
    1.5 L per 100 km to 100 kg 13% worse 311—435 miles
    (500—700 km)
    1.7 L per 100 km / person
    2.0 i LX 27 / 36 MPG
    (8.7 / 6.5 L per 100 km)
    1.6 L per 100 km to 100 kg 3% worse 373—497 miles
    (600—800 km)
    1.5 L per 100 km / person

    Additional Details On 2000 Ford Focus Hatchback (USA) MPG

    Vehicle 2.0 i 16V SVT
    Consumption (city / highway) 21 / 25 MPG
    (11.2 / 9.4 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 1.2 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 28% worse
    Driving range (full tank) 249—311 miles (400—500 km)
    Consumption per passenger 2.1 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 2.0 i 16V ZX3
    Consumption (city / highway) 25 / 33 MPG
    (9.4 / 7.1 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 1.4 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 13% worse
    Driving range (full tank) 311—435 miles (500—700 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.7 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 2.0 i 16V ZX5
    Consumption (city / highway) 25 / 33 MPG
    (9.4 / 7.1 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 1.5 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 13% worse
    Driving range (full tank) 311—435 miles (500—700 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.7 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 2.0 i LX
    Consumption (city / highway) 27 / 36 MPG
    (8.7 / 6.5 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 1.6 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 3% worse
    Driving range (full tank) 373—497 miles (600—800 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.5 L per 100 km / person

    Quick Notes on Ford Focus MPG

      • average 1998 Ford Focus MPG: 40 MPG / 7.2 L per 100 km
      • worst 1998 Ford Focus MPG: 20 MPG / 11.8 L per 100 km
      • best 1998 Ford Focus MPG: 59 MPG / 4 L per 100 km
      • body weight: 1205 kg / 2657 lbs
      • body type: sedan
      • difference highway / city: 39%
      • average engine power: 76 kW / 103 hp
      • difference from world average: 25% better
      • max distance with full tank: 633 miles (1019 km)
      • Fuelson rating: 10 / 10

    1998 Ford Focus MPG (Miles per Gallon)

    Focus Ford Focus MPG is between 20 MPG and 59 MPG depending on engine:

  • 1.6 16V — 24 to 39 MPG
  • 2.0 16V — 20 to 33 MPG
  • 1.4 16V — 27 to 44 MPG
  • 1.6 i Duratec 8V — 25 to 42 MPG
  • 1.8 16V — 23 to 39 MPG
  • 1.8 TDCi — 33 to 53 MPG
  • 1.8 Turbo DI — 35 to 59 MPG

    1998 Ford Focus MPG to weight ratio

    The Focus Ford Focus MPG to weight ratio is shown in the graph:

  • 1.6 16V — 32 kg/mpg
  • 2.0 16V — 44 kg/mpg
  • 1.4 16V — 32 kg/mpg
  • 1.8 16V — 37 kg/mpg
  • 1.8 TDCi — 30 kg/mpg
  • 1.8 Turbo DI — 27 kg/mpg

    1998 Ford Focus MPG: difference from world average

    We calculated that Focus Ford Focus MPG is up to 37% better than the world average consumption.

  • 1.6 16V is 6% more economical than average car
  • 2.0 16V is 16% less economical than average car
  • 1.4 16V is 6% more economical than average car
  • 1.6 i Duratec 8V is 6% more economical than average car
  • 1.8 16V is 3% less economical than average car
  • 1.8 TDCi is 37% more economical than average car
  • 1.8 Turbo DI is 37% more economical than average car

  • Additional Details On Focus Ford I Sedan MPG

    Vehicle Consumption (city / highway) Consumption to weight ratio Difference from world average consumption Driving range (full tank) Consumption per passenger
    1.6 16V 24 / 39 MPG
    (9.7 / 6 L per 100 km)
    1.6 L per 100 km to 100 kg 6% better 373—559 miles
    (600—900 km)
    1.4 L per 100 km / person
    2.0 16V 20 / 33 MPG
    (11.8 / 7.2 L per 100 km)
    1.4 L per 100 km to 100 kg 16% worse 311—497 miles
    (500—800 km)
    1.7 L per 100 km / person
    1.4 16V 27 / 44 MPG
    (8.7 / 5.3 L per 100 km)
    1.6 L per 100 km to 100 kg 6% better 373—621 miles
    (600—1000 km)
    1.4 L per 100 km / person
    1.6 i Duratec 8V 25 / 42 MPG
    (9.4 / 5.6 L per 100 km)
    - 6% better 373—559 miles
    (600—900 km)
    1.4 L per 100 km / person
    1.8 16V 23 / 39 MPG
    (10.3 / 6 L per 100 km)
    1.5 L per 100 km to 100 kg 3% worse 311—559 miles
    (500—900 km)
    1.5 L per 100 km / person
    1.8 TDCi 33 / 53 MPG
    (7.2 / 4.4 L per 100 km)
    2.4 L per 100 km to 100 kg 37% better 435—746 miles
    (700—1200 km)
    1.1 L per 100 km / person
    1.8 Turbo DI 35 / 59 MPG
    (6.7 / 4 L per 100 km)
    2.2 L per 100 km to 100 kg 37% better 497—808 miles
    (800—1300 km)
    1.1 L per 100 km / person

    Additional Details On Focus Ford I Sedan MPG

    Vehicle 1.6 16V
    Consumption (city / highway) 24 / 39 MPG
    (9.7 / 6 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 1.6 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 6% better
    Driving range (full tank) 373—559 miles (600—900 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.4 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 2.0 16V
    Consumption (city / highway) 20 / 33 MPG
    (11.8 / 7.2 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 1.4 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 16% worse
    Driving range (full tank) 311—497 miles (500—800 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.7 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.4 16V
    Consumption (city / highway) 27 / 44 MPG
    (8.7 / 5.3 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 1.6 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 6% better
    Driving range (full tank) 373—621 miles (600—1000 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.4 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.6 i Duratec 8V
    Consumption (city / highway) 25 / 42 MPG
    (9.4 / 5.6 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio -
    Difference from world average consumption 6% better
    Driving range (full tank) 373—559 miles (600—900 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.4 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.8 16V
    Consumption (city / highway) 23 / 39 MPG
    (10.3 / 6 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 1.5 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 3% worse
    Driving range (full tank) 311—559 miles (500—900 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.5 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.8 TDCi
    Consumption (city / highway) 33 / 53 MPG
    (7.2 / 4.4 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 2.4 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 37% better
    Driving range (full tank) 435—746 miles (700—1200 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.1 L per 100 km / person
    Vehicle 1.8 Turbo DI
    Consumption (city / highway) 35 / 59 MPG
    (6.7 / 4 L per 100 km)
    Consumption to weight ratio 2.2 L per 100 km to 100 kg
    Difference from world average consumption 37% better
    Driving range (full tank) 497—808 miles (800—1300 km)
    Consumption per passenger 1.1 L per 100 km / person